Effective treatment, compassionate care.
Chinese medicine excels in improving your health and wellbeing.
We offer expert, experienced acupuncture for the Washington D.C. area.
Success stories
What I treat
How it works
Your body makes millions of healing substances, and knows exactly how to use them.
Acupuncture harnesses and fine-tunes those substances to help your body heal itself.
Why is it so popular?
It's incredibly safe.
Acupuncture has no side effects. Needles are sterile, disposable and used once – on you only.
It’s time-tested and proven.
Refined over centuries, acupuncture has been shown in study after study to effectively treat a wide variety of conditions. Because it amplifies your body’s capacity to heal itself, its application is almost limitless.
It makes sense.
Acupuncture improves oxygenation and blood flow throughout your body, including your brain, naturally. Your organs then function better. And by stimulating specific neural responses, acupuncture helps your body resolve pain.
Deep Relaxation.
The same substances that heal you also relax you. Client after client tells me that they relax more easily, sleep more deeply. You'll be amazed how much calmer you'll feel.
About me
Alexandra Knox, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), Washington, D.C. area acupuncturist.
Acupuncture helped me - that’s why I know it can help you too.
I discovered acupuncture at a time when, on the surface, my life looked fine.
I had great work - writing and editing for major publications and companies. I lived comfortably; I had something to show for my skills.
Yet my stamina was slipping. I was tired and wired at the same time. And there were times when every day seemed grey.
My sister suggested acupuncture. She said it was cool. When I decided to try it, I had no idea what it would do, or if it would make a difference.
But it did, and with dramatic effects.